Friday, March 12, 2021

NDT Technician Duties and Responsibilities

NDT technicians, also known as non-destructive testing technicians, use a variety of techniques to test products and equipment for structural defects. This may include many types of techniques, such as x-rays, ultrasound, current tests and transmissions. NDT technicians perform these tests on many different materials, mostly welded steel and concrete.

This is a technical role that requires you to identify one or more non-destructive experimental methods and pay close attention to detail, data interpretation and image analysis. Most NDT technicians reach certification levels, and some technical schools offer integrated certifications in non-destructive testing technology.

Duties and responsibilities of an NDT technician

The activities of NDT technicians may vary depending on their location and the type of testing technology they use, but most share many important responsibilities:

Conducting material experiments

The primary responsibility of an NDT technician is to perform device testing using a variety of non-destructive methods and techniques. These methods may include heat imaging, resonance testing, dye testing and magnetic resonance testing. In any system, the main goal of NDT technicians is to identify material defects, such as lack of welds, corrosion or defects that may affect performance or cause safety problems.

Translate the test results

After testing and during the production process, NDT technicians interpret and analyze test results to evaluate the equipment. This may include film screening from X-ray imaging, evaluation of reports produced by diagnostic equipment, and translation of raw quantitative data into active data to determine if further testing is needed or if the screening tool is completely throw.

Prepare test reports

NDT technicians develop, update and document their tests. These reports generally describe the procedures used, test results and any advice for industry professionals or engineers. NDT technicians may also need to present this report to help improve the system or to monitor the results of the previous round of testing.

Repair and maintenance of equipment

NDT technicians check the accuracy of the test results and prevent wear and tear by repairing the equipment and repairing their equipment. NDT technicians inspect the equipment's locations before testing and improve the settings according to the type of equipment being tested. In addition, the NDT technician also cleans the equipment after the test to ensure that the machines and equipment are ready for further use.

Development of processes and procedures

Finally, NDT technicians support rigorous quality assurance and control interventions by improving the procedures and procedures in their work and the work of technicians and other NDT teams. In this part of the role, the NDT technician can develop policies and documentation, perform training tasks, or demonstrate machine-specific techniques and test data maintenance.

Read more: noc technician salary

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