Thursday, June 25, 2020

What does a computer assistant do?

What does a computer assistant do?
Computer support specialists offer help and advice to individuals and organizations using computer software or devices. Some of the so-called computer network support specialists support your company's IT employees. Others, so-called computer user support specialists, provide support to non-IT users with computer problems.

Computer network support specialists typically do the following:

Test and evaluate existing network systems.
Perform regular maintenance to make sure networks are working properly
Troubleshoot local area networks (LAN), wide area networks (WAN), and Internet systems
Computer network support specialists, also known as technical support specialists, generally work in your company's IT department. 

They help IT staff analyze, troubleshoot, and evaluate problems on the computer network. They play an important role in the routine maintenance of your company's networks, for example. B. by backing up files on the network. Maintenance can be performed daily, weekly or monthly and is important to a company's disaster recovery efforts. 

The quick solution to an IT problem is important because companies depend on their network systems. Network support specialists can assist users of company computers through phone, email, or personal visits. They often work among network and computer system administrators who perform more complex tasks.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

What kind of Professional Role does a Typical Computer Operator have?

A computer operator is a person who works closely with a computer every day to perform various activities. The activities and responsibilities depend on the professional title and the requirements of the company.

IT operators are responsible for solving IT problems, entering data, and managing many other activities related to IT departments or labs. Today most jobs require computer skills. Computers are used for both personal and business purposes. Therefore, there is a high demand for computer operators and there is a large number of vacancies for computer operators.

If you are interested in starting your career as a computer operator, here are some key points related to the job role.

  • The main task of a computer operator is to monitor and manage host computers and to control hardware and other peripherals for the proper management of an organization. If a computer operator encounters a problem, the errors must be corrected to resolve it.
  • A computer operator works closely with data entry operators and other help desk staff to coordinate daily activities for a period of time. So he should also be pretty good at management skills.It is also responsible for configuring all types of software on the user's systems. Therefore, he should have a thorough knowledge to do his job.
  • The task of a computer operator is very delicate because he is responsible for backing up data in good time for backing up important data. He is also responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive information because he works closely with each system.
  • Computer operators also work in a server room, but in most cases they can work remotely to manage multiple locations. They also keep records and look for machine errors and printer maintenance.
  • The professional role of a computer operator helps management considerably, as they are also aware of emergency recovery and business continuity procedures. I hope this valuable information can help you. You can also search for jobs from computer operators online as it is one of the most requested jobs in the world today.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

CCNA Cloud & CCNA collaboration

CCNA Cloud
As companies increasingly adopt cloud strategies, network and data center professionals need to demonstrate that they have the knowledge and skills to work with public and private clouds. CCNA Cloud certification is related to Cisco-based hybrid and private environments based on its cloud infrastructure technologies: Cisco InterCloud, Unified Compute, Unified Fabric and Unified Storage.

Job titles associated with CCNA Cloud:

Network administrator
Cloud engineer
Cloud architect
It is not uncommon to also see architects and security posts who prefer a CCNA Cloud certification. CCNA Cloud Certification will validate your cloud skill set to help you establish yourself as an engineer or cloud administrator. You will begin by managing the provisioning and basic support for your Cisco-based cloud solution. You should monitor usage and performance and, as you gain experience, recommend steps to improve cloud efficiency, security and resilience. Due to the prevalence of hybrid cloud configurations, CCNA Cloud certification may also be required or preferred for jobs as a network administrator and data center.

CCNA collaboration
CCNA Collaboration certification covers Cisco's major collaboration solutions: its Voice over IP (VoIP) telephony and video conferencing offerings. These solutions can work independently; It is not essential that they collaborate with a Cisco LAN or WAN. Your CCNA research and development is not required to obtain the CCNA collaboration certificate. Sure, it would help, but it's not mandatory. You just have to understand the basics of IP networks, as well as the basics of video conferencing and streaming.

Job titles associated with CCNA Collaboration:

Technical assistant
VoIP engineer
Telecommunications engineer
Unified Communications engineer
CCNA Collaboration certification is primarily for VoIP telephony engineers who need to design and manage video conferencing and IP telephony systems. Other common job titles for this certificate are Unified Communications Engineer and Collaborative Engineer.

To acquire CCNA collaboration, you must pass two exams, the first relating to Cisco Unified Communications telephony solutions, the second to Cisco's voice and video over IP solutions and the practical implementation of a conference.

Read More: network associat

Friday, June 12, 2020

What is The Salary of CISCO CCNA?

Are you working as a help desk employee or junior LAN administrator in the IT area and would like to move up the career ladder to a higher paying job? You already have your CompTIA A + or one of Microsoft's lower level certifications and are wondering how to get to the next level and what skills you need to take the next leap. Most network professionals will probably tell you that now that you have a basic understanding of how computers work, you need to learn how to manage network traffic and how it really works!

This leads us to one of the most respected IT certifications, Cisco Certified Network Associate or CCNA. CCNAs are responsible for establishing, configuring, and managing corporate networks. Since every company has a network, there is a great demand for those who are really familiar with hardcore CCNA networks. You will learn how network traffic really moves and how to make it efficient and super fast for your users without losing valuable bandwidth.

You might be wondering, what are the prospects for CCNA certified employees and what are they doing now? What would you say if I told you that CCNA's salary range was between $ 39,000 and $ 119,000 according to a recent survey? You would be as surprised as me!

So let's take a look at some data points and also try to analyze a little more of the information provided. The survey sample came from just over 8,000 employees. The first problem I see in the following survey is that we have a wide range of skills.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Details About the CCNA

Before actually starting to receive CCNA, it is important to know that CCNA is not just a general type of certificate. Rather, it is further divided by the various IT specializations:

  • CCNA Cloud
  • CCNA collaboration
  • CCNA Cyber ​​Ops
  • CCNA data center
  • CCNA Industrial
  • CCNA routing and switching
  • CCNA security
  • CCNA service provider
  • CCNA Wireless
As you can see, there are a number of directions that you can take with the CCNA. Much depends on what your career goals are and how you would like to enter the world of information security with the CCNA certificate. It should be noted that the most popular specializations are cyber op, routing and switching.

With the former, the need for qualified cybersecurity specialists is currently huge and, with the latter, network infrastructures are becoming more complex almost every day. As a result, there is a strong need for people who are able to supply and maintain the critical hardware they need to support them. It is these two specializations that IT professionals seem to offer the "hottest" career paths.

For IT professionals on the CCNA routing and switching path, it is recommended that you complete Part I and Part II of the Cisco Network Part I (ICND) connection course before proceeding with the actual exam.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Cisco certification program overview

Cisco Systems Inc. specializes in network and communication products and services. The company is likely known for its routing and switching products, which drive data, voice and video traffic across networks around the world. However, Cisco also offers storage networks, unified communications, telepresence and collaboration (WebEx) applications, and a variety of services, from simple product support to complete solutions for data centers and cloud management.

To ensure that IT professionals have the skills and knowledge necessary to support Cisco products and solve customer technology problems on many fronts, the Cisco Career Certification program is all-encompassing. That is, it starts at a basic level, then moves to associated, professional and expert levels and (in some areas of certification) closes things at the architect level.

Each level offers one or more credentials. Obtaining a credential generally involves passing one or more certification exams. Most Cisco exams are provided by Pearson VUE. For higher level credentials, candidates must also demonstrate that they meet the necessary prerequisites. The higher the certification level, the more credentials and prerequisites are required to meet these requirements.

Cisco certification program overview
Certifications within the Cisco portfolio include the following credentials:

Cisco Inbound Network Certified Technician (CCENT)
Cisco Certified Technician (CCT)
Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
Cisco Certified Design Associate (CCDA)
Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP)
Cisco Certified Design Professional (CCDP)
Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE)
Cisco Certified Design Expert (CCDE)
Cisco Certified Architect (CCAr)
There are many certifications and paths that you can follow in the Cisco career program. Having said that, its two main paths concern the operation and design of the network. A typical Cisco network certification scale begins with CCENT entry-level credentials, switches to CCNA, CCNP, and culminates with CCIE. The targeted project could consider starting with CCENT, moving to CCDA, then to professional level CCDP, followed by CCDE and ending the program with CCAr.
Read More: ccna cert salary

Monday, June 1, 2020

Who Should Earn the CCNA?

According to Cisco, the CCNA certification is aimed at people who want to take on the role of network support engineer and network administrator. If you are aiming for a career in networking, especially in corporate networks, getting CCNA certification can be a good step for you as Cisco continues to be a leader in this area.

However, the CCNA certification does not only apply to those who deal with networks. There are examples of CCNA-certified system administrators who want to learn more about the networks in which their servers are running.

Side note: It could be argued that CompTIA Network + certification is better for non-connected people because it is more neutral than the supplier. However, the CCNA certification also correctly covers the basics of the network.

What experience is required to take the exam?
There are actually no prerequisites for the CCNA certification exam. Basically everyone can take the exam in any area. For example, I was CCNA certified as a student.

Note: There are age limits for Cisco certification exams. Children under the age of 13 cannot take the exam. Young people (13-17 years) can take the exam with the consent of their parents. There have been no restrictions for more than 18 years.

However, it can be helpful to have one to two years of online work experience before you get certified. However, if you have no network experience and are more interested in certification than the certification itself, you have to do more work than someone who already has online work experience. Fortunately, tools like GNS3 and Packet Tracer reduce the barrier to network access so you can get hands-on experience without a network job.
Read More : ccna salary

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Management consultants, also known as management analysts, analyze and evaluate the daily operations and duties of employees within various ...